One smart tree 'carries' 18 solar panels, four USB ports, six sockets and the same number of benches. POŽEGA - After Požega's Ulica Dr. Franje Tuđman shined in its 'new guise', in front of the Faculty of Tourism and Rural Development and the Julija Kempf Elementary School, smart trees were installed that now give that part of the city a special character. The tree in front of the Faculty was fully trained last week, while the other one in front of the elementary school was infected yesterday by a team from HEP who successfully "joined" it, as we saw for sure later in the evening. Let's remind you, we are talking about trees whose crowns form solar panels that collect the energy of daylight, while they light up at night. In addition to light, there are also options such as 24-hour mobile phone charging and internet sharing.
What exactly one smart tree is equipped with are 18 solar panels, four USB ports, six sockets and the same number of benches to sit on. You can see what smart trees look like during the day and at night in the attached photo gallery and video.